Showcasing a variety of product titles with the help of CSS

Since the HTML is hosted on another server and I have no control over it, how can I use CSS to style certain list items?

For example,

The HTML on the server side:

<li>Orange Juice</li>
<li>Chocolate Milk</li>
<li>Espresso with hot foamy milk</li>
<li>Espresso diluted with hot water</li>

I would like to use CSS to change the display of the last two items to "Cappuccino" and "Americano".

Thank you.

Answer №1

There is a possibility of achieving this by utilizing the :after pseudo class for rendering. However, it must be noted that this method can result in unsightly code. It is advisable to explore other alternatives before resorting to this approach:

ol li:nth-child(5){
    color: #fff;           /* same color as the background to hide it */
ol li:nth-child(5):after{
    content: "Capuccino";
    display: block;
    color: #000;          /* your text color */


Answer №2

It is not possible to modify the content of HTML tags using CSS alone.

If you want to change the content via JavaScript, you will have to identify and target the appropriate elements in the Document Object Model (DOM) and update their innerHTML property.

This task cannot be achieved with CSS on its own.

Answer №3

The solution that comes to mind is utilizing the CSS property:


To hide each tag manually.

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