What is the correct way to adjust the style.top attribute of an element using JavaScript?

In order to correct a JavaScript source code, I need to adjust the style.top property of a div element based on an integer parameter from a function called index. Here is the current implementation:

div.style.top = (index * 22 + 2)+"px";

However, for larger values of index (20, 21, 22,...53, 54,...), the calculated value of div.style.top becomes inaccurate and too large. On the other hand, for smaller values of index (<10), the calculation works fine.

I thought about using the pre-existing HTML checkbox element's style.top value as it is visually aligned correctly. So, I attempted this approach:

div.style.top = checkbox.style.top

Unfortunately, it seems that checkbox.style.top is not defined even though the checkbox element is displaying correctly on the HTML page.

Is there a way to set the value of checkbox.style.top to match its actual absolute position without knowing the specific value?

Answer №1

Utilize the element.offsetTop; method as per MDN:

var element = document.getElementById("exampleDiv");
var position = element.offsetTop;

if (position > 10) {
  // The object is positioned more
  // than 10 pixels from its parent

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