Reduce the size of a webpage by 10%

Have you ever noticed that when you press Ctrl+- on any browser, the page scales down to 90% of its original size? It actually looks nicer at 90%, so I want my webpage to default to opening at 90% instead of 100%.

I've tried following common approaches mentioned in different places like here, here, and here. They all suggest adding a code block like this in your css.

    zoom: 0.9; /* Old IE only */
    -moz-transform: scale(0.9);
    -webkit-transform: scale(0.9);
    transform: scale(0.9);

The issue with this method is that it creates gaps on the sides and a large gap on the top, which isn't how it appears when manually reducing the size using ctrl+-.

Check out what happens when I implement the above code - notice the gaps on the left, right, and top.

This is what I really want - this is the result you get when manually scaling down by using ctrl+- in your browser.

So, how can I achieve this ideal display?

UPDATE: As suggested in the comments by Jonathan, if my page looks better at 90%, I should have originally designed it that way rather than needing to scale it down. The challenge lies in the fact that I'm using this default template, and I simply prefer it at 90% compared to the full 100%.

Answer №1

To achieve the flexibility you need in your CSS, consider using relative units such as %, em, or rem.

By setting an absolute size at the body level, you can ensure that the relative measurements recalculate to meet your preferences.

If you opt for em or ex units exclusively, try setting font-size: 90% for the body element to allow for easy adjustments on the go.

The key lies in choosing the right units and making them relative, giving you the freedom you seek in your design process.

Answer №2

One potential solution could be adjusting the margin-top to -50px for certain elements to fill in any gaps.

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