Can the text value be read and its strings changed?

I need to modify the message inside an H2 element with the code provided below. I want to change the text from

No results were found for this query: <em class="querytext">
"No results were found by hello world!
, but the catch is that I cannot directly edit the HTML code. Is there a way to achieve this using CSS or JavaScript? Maybe using an if condition to detect the specific string and then replacing it upon page load? For example, if the text equals
No results were found for this query:
, then display
"No results were found by hello world!"

<div class="search-results">
    <h2>No results were found for this query: <em class="querytext"></em></h2>

Answer №1

If you're looking to manipulate the DOM using JavaScript, here's an example:

    <title>Title of the document</title>
      <script type="text/javascript">
          function updateResultText(text) {
            var resultTextEl = document.querySelector('.search-results > h2');
            if(resultTextEl) {
              resultTextEl.innerText = "No results were found by " + text;
    <button onclick="updateResultText('hello world!')">Update Text</button>
   <div class="search-results">
    <h2>No results were found for this query: <em class="querytext"></em>

Here's the JavaScript code snippet needed:

function updateResultText(text) {
            var resultTextEl = document.querySelector('.search-results > h2');
            if(resultTextEl) {
              resultTextEl.innerText = "No results were found by " + text;

To update the text in the 'h2' element, simply call the updateResultText function with your desired text after 'by'.

Answer №2

Try out this vanilla JS solution to modify every h2 element that is a descendant of the class .search-results:

for (let h2 of document.querySelectorAll('.search-results > h2')) {
  if ('No results were found for this query') >= 0)
    h2.textContent = 'No results were found by hello world!';
<div class="search-results">
  <h2>No results were found for this query: <em class="querytext"></em>

Answer №3

Previous JavaScript Code

let query = "" // Obtain the username from the backend, URL, or through a simple login form and store it in local storage without using the backend

let newText = 'No results found for this' + query ': <em class="querytext"></em></h2>'

let element = document.querySelector('.search-results h2').innerHTML = newText

Updated to ES5

const query = "" // Obtain the username from the backend, URL, or through a simple login form and store it in local storage without using the backend

const newText = `No results found for this ${query}: <em class="querytext"></em></h2>`

const element = document.querySelector('.search-results h2').innerHTML = newText

Answer №4

To complete your webpage, place the following script tag at the bottom:

<script type="text/javascript">
            var element= document.querySelector('.search-results > h2');
            if(element) {
             if(element.innerText.indexOf("No results were found for this query")>=0)
                 element.innerHtml="Custom message here";

After adding that script, remember to include </body></html> tags.

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