Clickable functionality disabled for form elements

I am encountering an issue with my system development task. The form elements appear to be unclickable, preventing any data entry in the fields. I have attempted moving the form tag above the first div in the code structure below as a troubleshooting step, but it did not resolve the problem. If someone could review the code provided and offer insight, it would be greatly appreciated.

Update: After adding zindex: 9999; to the .form-group class in the CSS, the form elements are now clickable. However, there is now an issue where the datetimepicker appears behind the select dropdown menu. A screenshot of the problem can be viewed at the following link:

Here is the snippet of the problematic code:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div class="col-lg-12" id="detail">

  <form name="addData" id="addData" action="" method="post">

    // Code continues...



// Remaining code omitted for brevity


Answer №1

It appears that there are multiple <select></select> tags empty in your form. It seems like you may have meant for text fields instead? If this is the case, you will need to swap out <select></select> with <input type="text" />.

For example, consider the following:

<label for="riders_name">Riders Name: </label>
<select class="form-control" style="height: 34px;" required name="riders_name" id="riders_name"></select>

...this should be updated to:

<label for="riders_name">Riders Name: </label>
<input class="form-control" type="text" style="height: 34px;" required name="riders_name" id="riders_name" />

Answer №2

When using a select drop-down, browsers typically set a higher z-index by default. If you have two rows stacked on top of each other and want the top row to have a higher z-index value, you should set it with position: relative for it to work as expected.

To achieve this, add the following CSS code:

.higher-z-index {
    postion: relative; // This line helps z-index work relatively 
    z-index: 999;

Your HTML markup should look something like this:

<div class="row higher-z-index">
<div class="row">

Why use this approach:

It's important to note that no matter how high a z-index value is applied within the .form-group selector, it will only affect sibling elements. In your case, the next row element ends up with a higher z-index by default in modern browsers unless explicitly set otherwise. Therefore, even if multiple higher z-index values are applied within the top row container, they will still be behind the next row container.

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