Various image resolutions designed for extra small, small, medium, and large screens

My image has a relative width and currently the src points to a single, large file (approximately 1000px). The issue arises on small devices with Opera and IE where the browser scaling results in pixelated images. Conversely, using a smaller image leads to blurriness on HD displays.

I am looking to provide different image resolutions for each screen size.

Existing solutions such as using the background property with media queries or the content: url() method are not ideal for my needs. Additionally, setting multiple images with display:none is detrimental to SEO.

None of these options offer a cross-browser solution that fulfills my requirements. Are there any other suggestions out there?

Answer №1

After considering all the options you've presented, it seems that none of them are ideal. The distinction between a background image and a content image is significant, and simply hiding multiple images with display:none doesn't solve the problem as all images still get loaded. In my view, the best approach for achieving broad compatibility is using a JavaScript solution. This involves dynamically changing the src attribute based on the dimensions of the current browser. You can leverage tools like window.matchMedia or more universally compatible methods like window.screen. While HTML5 introduces a new attribute called srcset, its support is not widespread yet, as indicated here.

Answer №2

Looks like you have integrated bootstrap into your website. To ensure responsiveness, simply include the class .img-responsive in your image tag and let bootstrap take care of the rest.

If not using bootstrap, you can add the following styling to your image:


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