What is the best way to configure my card components for a flex display?

Currently, I am in the process of learning React. I have a file named new_card_component.js that is responsible for displaying data fetched from the data.js file. The issue arises in my AirBnB.js file, where I'm passing the AirbnbApp module to a section called data-container, which has a flex property. However, the card components are not being displayed in a flex layout as expected.

import "../CSS/airbnb.css";
import AirbnbApp from "./airbnbApp";

function AirBnBPage(){
    return (
            <section className="data-container">
export default AirBnBPage

In my new_card_component.js file:

import { FaStar } from "react-icons/fa6";
import "../CSS/airbnb.css";

function NewCard(prop){
    return (
        <div className="card-sub">
            <img src={prop.mainimage} alt="trainer"/>
            <div className="info-group">
                <a href="https://"><FaStar/> {prop.rating} ({prop.review})</a>
            <div className="info-group">
                <p>Available spots : {prop.spots}   Price : {prop.cost} $</p>

My CSS file - airbnb.css:

    /* background-color: red; */
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    margin:0 auto;
    align-items: center;
    margin:25px 0 0;
    border:2px solid black;
.card-sub img{  
    height: 300px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    display: flex;

I attempted to apply the display:flex property to the data-container section, but it did not resolve the issue. The card components are still being displayed on separate rows despite having an array with 4 objects in my data.js file, resulting in each card component being shown on its own row.

Answer №1

It turned out that the issue was actually in the file removed from the question, lucky I checked before proceeding.

In the AirbnbApp.js, make sure to return the cardElements directly instead of wrapping them inside a div. Using display: flex affects direct children, so avoid unnecessary div wrappers.

       }].map(function (cardItem) {
            return <NewCard mainimage={cardItem.coverImage} rating={cardItem.stats.rating} country={cardItem.location} message={cardItem.description} cost={cardItem.price} spots={cardItem.openSpots} review={cardItem.stats.reviewCount} />

    return cardElements;

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