Is it advisable to use only one base SCSS @use import throughout the entire React application?

Hey there, I've got a question that's been on my mind. I really enjoy using SCSS in React, but for the longest time, I steered clear of variables and mixins because dealing with imports after making changes was a complete nightmare for me (I had a separate SCSS file for each component).

But then I stumbled upon a solution - I could easily create absolute paths in React imports like this:

import "src/scss/variables"

Now, I'm back to feeling excited about exploring all the amazing features SCSS has to offer.

So here's my question - can I create a single global.scss file and use only this file throughout my whole app when importing styles into different SCSS files? For example, the global.scss file would have contents similar to this:

@use "variables"
@use "mixins"
@use "functions"

@forward "variables"
@forward "mixins"
@forward "functions"

And in the components.scss file, I would simply import it like this:

@use "src/scss/global"

.test {
  background-color: global.$primary-color;

Another thing I'm curious about is whether it's possible for these globals to be imported just once in the main.jsx or app.jsx files and then automatically utilized in all other files within the project?

Answer №1

If you want to consolidate all your variables, mixins, and functions into a single file, you can achieve that easily. The approach you mentioned is on the right track, but remember to use @forward instead of @use:

@forward "variables";
@forward "mixins";
@forward "functions";

Ensure that these three files are declared as partials.

Importing the global.scss file directly in your .jsx file may be unnecessary since it contains no styles. However, you can configure your bundler to automatically include it in all your .scss files.

For instance, if you are using webpack with sass-loader, utilize the additionalData option:

options: {
  additionalData: "@use 'src/scss/global';"

In case you encounter an error related to an @import loop, exclude the global style files to prevent automatic importing:

options: {
  additionalData: (content, loaderContext) => {
    const { resourcePath, rootContext } = loaderContext;

    // Define the path where your global files reside
    const styleGlobalPathRegex = /^src\\scss\\.*/;

    const relativeFilePath = path.relative(rootContext, resourcePath);
    const isAGlobalStyleFile = relativeFilePath.match(styleGlobalPathRegex);

    return isAGlobalStyleFile ? content : "@use 'src/scss/global';" + content;

For users of Vite, incorporate it by utilizing css.preprocessorOptions:

css: {
  preprocessorOptions: {
    scss: {
      additionalData: ...

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