Styling CSS Based on Input from Child Siblings

Is it possible to customize an adjacent element based on a valid input from a child element? Let's say we have the following HTML structure:

<div id="source">
   <input type="text">
<div id="target">

Below is an example of what I'm trying to achieve with pseudo CSS:

(#source input:valid) + div {
    // add custom styling here

Are there any solutions using Sass/Less for this scenario? Essentially, I want to apply styles to an adjacent div if text has been entered in the input field within its sibling div.

Answer №1

The response is negative.

Sibling selectors are limited to working with only siblings, excluding parent/child relationships. Both SASS and LESS compile down to CSS and lack the awareness of the DOM structure. Despite offering additional utilities for simplifying CSS authoring, these tools become obsolete once compiled.

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