Tips for resolving an issue with an overflowing Uber React-Vis multicolor bar chart

I am trying to create a multi-colored bar chart using Uber's react-vis library. However, I am encountering an issue where the leftmost bar of the chart is overflowing below the YAxis instead of remaining contained to the right of it.

You can view the example on this REPL

function Chart() {
  const data = [1,2,3]
  return <XYPlot
          // xType="ordinal"
          <HorizontalGridLines />
          {, k) => {
        const y = data.length+5 - n
        return <VerticalBarSeries
            {x: n, y}


          <YAxis />

Answer №1

To anyone facing this issue: Make sure to define the xDomain for XYPlot using the following format: xDomain={[min_X_value, max_X_value]}

Here, min_X_value and max_X_value represent your minimum and maximum values for X

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