It seems like you no longer require this information... I am sharing my answer for the benefit of others who may encounter a similar situation in the future. After conducting some research, I was able to develop the following function:
(function () {
var tabs = $('a[href^="#ui-tabs-"]');
var tabRename = [];
var tabDiv;
for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
tabRename = tabs[i];
tabDiv = document.getElementById(tabRename.hash.substr(1, tabRename.hash.length - 1));
tabDiv.setAttribute("id", tabRename.innerHTML);
tabRename.setAttribute("href", "#" + tabRename.innerHTML);
This script will replace the ids of your divs and update the href attribute of your anchor tags to match them based on the tab's title. Although I am new to Jquery and JavaScript, this solution should address your requirements effectively.
I hope this helps.