Ways to prevent a specific class from using CSS styling


<div id="finalparent">
<!--many parent divs here-->
<div id="1stparent">
     <div id="txt_blog_editor" class="box" style="width: 1097px;">
      <div class="abc anotherclass">

<div class="abc"></div>

My Script

 $('html').on('mouseover','.fr-bttn .fa-picture-o', function () {
        var pos = $(this).offset();
        var left_pos=(pos.left-15)+"px";
        var top_pos=(pos.top+35)+"px";
               $(".abc").css({position: "absolute", top: top_pos,  left: left_pos });


I am seeking to apply the CSS properties left and top to the abc class that belongs directly under the body tag. This is in contrast to applying these properties to the abc class nested within the id="txt_blog_editor" container.

Answer №1

Read more about the solution in this insightful answer that provides a functional code snippet:

jQuery.expr[':'].noparents = function(a,i,m){
    return jQuery(a).parents(m[3]).length < 1;

var elts = $(".abc").filter(":noparents(#txt_blog_editor)");
elts.css({ "background-color": "green" });
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="finalparent">
<!--many parent divs here-->
<div id="1stparent">
     <div id="txt_blog_editor" class="box" style="width: 1097px;">
      <div class="abc anotherclass">
                ABC With Parent
<div class="abc">ABC WITHOUT Parent</div>

This innovative approach involves creating a custom jQuery expression :noparents to target elements without specific parent selectors.

Answer №2

In order to determine if the element with class "abc" has a parent element with ID "txt_blog_editor," you can refer to the following jsFiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/ugv2pxdw/5/

$('html').on('mouseover','.fr-bttn .fa-picture-o', function () {
    var pos = $(this).offset();
    var left_pos=(pos.left-15)+"px";
    var top_pos=(pos.top+35)+"px";

        if (!$(this).parents('#txt_blog_editor').length) {
             $(this).css({position: "absolute",top: top_pos,  left: left_pos });


Answer №3

Why not use the body > .abc selector if abc classes are exclusively direct children of body?

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