Displaying incorrect symbols with icon fonts

I have successfully integrated icon fonts into my simple web page.

Check it out on jsFiddle here

My design is similar to this example, but instead of bars, I see a snake icon displayed. How can I fix this issue with the fonts?

Here is the code snippet:

[data-icon]:before {
  font-family: icons; /* Custom icon font used */
  content: attr(data-icon);
  speak: none;

<h4><span aria-hidden="true" data-icon="&#x21dd;"></span> Stats</h4>

Answer №1

The Unicode character x21dd represents a "snake" symbol.

For more information, you can visit this source link.

If you want to enhance your website with icons, consider using FontAwesome. Simply include the FontAwesome icons in your CSS using @font-face.

To use FontAwesome icons, just define a class within a tag like this:

<b class="fa fa-chart"></b>

The icon will automatically be added inside that tag by FontAwesome.
Check out this example on Fiddle.

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