The CSS file that is defined first in the node.js HTML is the only one being utilized

Currently, I am incorporating CSS and JS files into my node.js/express application with the help of the ejs templating engine. Interestingly, while the JavaScript files are being successfully implemented, only the first included CSS file seems to be affecting the styles in the HTML. Although all the CSS files are being included, their styles are not visible in the HTML except for the initial one. Strangely enough, if I import other CSS files into the primary one, then their styles are reflected in the HTML.

This addition is being done via the static method.

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

Within the html file:

<link href="css/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" title="custom" type="text/css" />

Answer №1

If you have placed your file in the public folder following the structure below:


Then you can display your file correctly using this code:

<link href="/css/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Remember to eliminate any style tags present.

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