Show the image on top of the div block as the AJAX content loads

Implementing this task may seem easy and common, but I am struggling to figure it out! What should take five minutes has turned into an hour of frustration. Please lend me your expertise in getting this done.
I have a div container block:

<div class="wrapper_div">
//some other divs here

Along with the following CSS style:


    margin: auto;

    width: 1000px;

    height: 545px;


Despite its simplicity, I can't seem to overlay this div when making an AJAX request. All I need is to display a loader animation (gif) at the center of this div block and overlay it with a grey background, for example.
Please provide the solution as requested. Thank you.


Apologies for the confusion earlier - the problem does not lie in AJAX, but rather in the CSS and HTML layout. I'm struggling to create the correct layout.

Answer №1

When sending an ajax request, you can use the 'beforeSend' option to manipulate a loading overlay. This overlay can be shown before the request is sent and then hidden once it is complete.

        url: "/Home/SomeThing",
        data: {name: name},
        error: function () {

        beforeSend: function () { ShowLoadingScreen(); }, // <Show OverLay

        success: function (data) {
        type: 'GET',
        complete: function () { HideLoadingScreen(); } //<Hide Overlay

To style your overlay, make sure to position it either absolutely or fixed in your CSS:

    position: fixed;
    background: somebackground;

Answer №2

Your ajax request lacks sufficient detail for a comprehensive solution, but here's a suggestion that might help. I've implemented a timeout to mimic the request process, toggling the overlay display from '' to 'none' before and after the timeout.

Check out this plnkr

  <span>My Content</span>
  <button onclick="submitForm()">Submit</button>
<div id="overlay" style="display: none;"></div>

#overlay {
  background: blue;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  position: fixed;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  opacity: 0.2;

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