Tips for resizing a div to match the height of dynamically generated text?

When my API call returns a lengthy product description, it may be too big to fit inside my div. Here is my original div structure:

<div class="div-info">
  <h1 class="equipment-name">Title</h1>
  <h4 class="equipment-city-state">{{}} - {{equipment.coordinates.state}}</h4>
  <ul class="equipment-price">
  <p class="equipment-city-state">{{}} - {{equipment.coordinates.state}}</p>
  <p class="service-description" [@visibilityChanged]="visibility[i]">{{equipment.description}}</p>

This is how it currently appears:

Upon clicking the 'Ler mais' button, the text should expand to display the full content, resizing the div if necessary. Here is the expected layout after clicking the button:

I want the first two paragraphs to show the entire Lorem Ipsum text within the div, even if it requires increasing its height.

Answer №1

To ensure that the divInfo div adjusts its size automatically to fit its child elements, simply include this CSS code:

.divInfo {
    height: auto;

Interactive Example on jsFiddle:

You can test the functionality by pasting lengthy sentences or lists in the provided jsFiddle, and observe the divInfo expanding accordingly.

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