css: Aligning fonts horizontally when they have varying sizes

First time asking a question on this platform!

I'm attempting to achieve a "pixel perfect" horizontal alignment of two lines of text, with each line having a different font size.

<style type="text/css">
    *   { font-family: sans-serif;}
    div { float: left;}
    h1  { font-size: 150px;  margin-bottom:-30px; }

            <h1> B </h1>
            <h6> B-L.align </h6>
            <h1> L </h1>
            <h6> L.align </h6>

View the example here: http://jsfiddle.net/jgYBD/1/

When observing the sample, you may notice that the larger font has more spacing than the smaller font, causing them to be slightly misaligned.

I am seeking a method or formula to perfectly align them to the left without resorting to trial and error with adjusting the margin-left property!

Any suggestions or insights are welcome. Thank you.

Answer №1

It's not just padding you're noticing, but rather a unique type of spacing within the font itself. Although it may seem like padding, it's more complex than that. The challenge lies in the fact that this spacing varies with each font and even between individual letters. Try replacing the




You'll see that the space is now significantly smaller!

This spacing is influenced by the font, its size, and the specific letter being used. Unfortunately, controlling this spacing can be quite challenging.

Answer №2

Here's a handy trick: Try adding

:first-letter { margin-left: -0.08em; }
. You may need to adjust the em value based on your font, but feel free to apply it globally if desired. While this will cause a slight left shift, you can freely change the font size of the H1 without affecting alignment.

Check out this updated version in your jsFiddle.

Just keep in mind that this won't resolve the "J" issue, so it may not be relevant for your situation.

Answer №3

From what I gather, you're looking for something like this:

h6 {
    float: right;
    position: absolute;
    right: 11px;

You can see a sample here: http://jsfiddle.net/gLtmP/8/

Answer №4

Give this a shot

h6 { padding: 0 10px; }

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