Webpage with visual representation

Currently in the process of redesigning my university's drama department website, I'm looking to incorporate three images side by side with spacing and captions. The captions need to have a header that's styled differently from the caption itself, which has proven challenging. After trying various methods like divs and tables, I'm seeking advice on accomplishing this task. You can view the current site here: drama site. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Here is the part of the code I'm struggling with:

function windowSize() {
  var w = var w = document.getElementById('body').clientWidth;
  document.getElementById('newsTable').style.width = w + 'px';
  document.getElementById('newsItems').style.height = document.getElementById('newsItems').clientWidth + 'px';
<body id="body" onload="windowSize();getCurrentPage();" onresize="windowSize()">
  <table id="newsTable" cellpadding="0" border="0">
      <td id="newsItems" align="center" background="http://i.imgbox.com/5GLGmmDE.gif">1</td>
      <td id="newsItems" align="center" background="http://i.imgbox.com/5GLGmmDE.gif">2</td>
      <td id="newsItems" align="center" background="http://i.imgbox.com/5GLGmmDE.gif">3</td>
      <td id="newsItems" align="center">4</td>
      <td id="newsItems" align="center">5</td>
      <td id="newsItems" align="center">6</td>

I aim to adjust the size of the pictures to be smaller than in the provided link while maintaining some spacing between them. Currently facing an issue with image repetition as the page expands. Removing the repeat leads to blank spaces, so any solution is welcomed.

Answer №1

If you prefer a more user-friendly option, consider utilizing bootstrap for your layout needs. Bootstrap can handle much of the column work on your behalf. However, if that seems daunting, here is a straightforward solution with three images displayed side by side. Click here to view the example

In this approach, each image and its respective caption are enclosed in div containers with fixed widths.

.oneThird img{
<div class="oneThird">
    <img src="http://www.photosnewhd.com/media/images/picture-wallpaper.jpg"></img>
<div class="oneThird">
    <img src="http://www.photosnewhd.com/media/images/picture-wallpaper.jpg"></img>
<div class="oneThird">
    <img src="http://www.photosnewhd.com/media/images/picture-wallpaper.jpg"></img>

* Update * For those interested, here is a simple bootstrap demonstration. Check out the bootstrap example here

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