Arranging various Materialize toasts at various locations on the screen [ v1.0.0 ]

My goal is to have a toast appear on the top-middle of the screen when an image is zoomed in, while all other normal toasts should display at their default position. I've been successful in showing the toast when zoomed in, but I'm having trouble positioning it correctly.

I attempted to adjust the "#toast-container" settings, however, this resulted in all toasts being placed in the same position on the screen.

#toast-container {
  top: auto !important;
  right: auto !important;
  bottom: 10%;

Desired Outcome: Toast 1 should be at the top-middle of the screen, while toast 2 can be positioned either at the top-right or bottom of the screen.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired positioning for toasts using MaterializeCSS, you will need to add some additional code as there is no built-in feature for this in the core. One way to do this is by adding a class to the #toast-container element using jQuery after initializing your toast, allowing you to style it accordingly.

Method 1:

For instance:

// Initialize Toast
var duration = 3000;
Materialize.toast('Toast Message', duration, 'rounded');
// Add Class to Container
// OPTIONAL : Remove Class from Container after Timeout
setTimeout(() => $('#toast-container').removeClass('bottom-right'), duration);

You can then create CSS classes to customize the appearance of the toasts based on their new positions.

For example:

#toast-container.bottom-right {
    top: unset;
    bottom: 10%;
#toast-container.bottom-left {
    top: unset;
    right: unset;
    bottom: 10%;
    left: 7%;

Method 2:

An alternative approach is to add classes to the .toast element and apply position: fixed to position it according to your requirements.

However, keep in mind that adjusting animations may be necessary, or you can disable them completely by setting .toast to transition: none !important.


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