Utilizing the CSS grid framework to efficiently create repetitive rows and columns in code

When I work with CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Materialize, I often find myself repeatedly typing the same HTML code:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col s12">
        <!-- Some text/ a button / something -->

Having to use three tags just to put a single item, such as a paragraph or a button, on its own row leads to unnecessary bloat in my HTML code over time.

I have thought about creating an angular directive to streamline it to one extra tag instead of two, but I feel like that might not be the most elegant solution. Does anyone have any better ideas for resolving this issue?

Answer №1

If you're looking for a quick solution, consider creating a custom code snippet in your text editor. Simply type 'element' and watch it expand to full HTML. This feature is readily available in Sublime Text and Atom.

Alternatively, you can utilize Emmet for a more streamlined approach. This powerful tool works seamlessly with Sublime Text, Atom, and even Brackets. Just input '.row>.col.s12>element' and press TAB to generate the desired code.

Answer №2

Check out this alternative approach:

.container {
display: flex;

.item {
flex: 1; 
min-width: 20ems; 

Feel free to explore more about flexbox for enhancing your grid designs!

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