Creating a personalized design for Bootstrap Badge

Looking to customize the shape of bootstrap badges from the default ellipse to a rectangle with rounded corners. Any tips on the best approach to accomplish this?

Answer №1

To properly set the badge style, consider the code snippet below:

.badge {
    width: 30px;
    border-radius: 5px;

Answer №2

Here is a suggestion for you to try...

        border-radius:4px; //customize as needed..
<div class="mynewbadge">5</div>

I hope this solution proves helpful.

Answer №3

I found this solution to be extremely helpful in achieving the desired badge appearance. For those who are new to this like myself, the following code snippets may come in handy:


<span class="badge bg">[120]</span>


.badge {
    background-color: transparent;
    float: right;
    color: black;
    font-size: 15px;

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