Animation doesn't apply to child components, but is successful when applied to the parent component

I am working on animating the width of a child component's div. Here is my simple code:

    export const OuterComponent = () => {
      const sidebarCtx = useContext(SidebarContext);
      const style =
        "w-[100px] h-[60px] transition-all duration-1000 bg-purple-900 text-2xl text-white " +
        (sidebarCtx.isOpen ? " w-[400px] " : "");
      const InnerComponent = ({ children }) => {
        return (
          <div className={style}> // applying style directly to this div prevents transition from working
      return (
        <div className={style}> // applying style here and removing it from InnerComponent allows transition to work normally
          <InnerComponent />

The issue, as described in the code comments, lies in the fact that applying style directly to InnerComponent causes the width change to not animate.

Answer №1

When you define InnerComponent inside OuterComponent, it gets reinitiated every time OuterComponent renders, which may be causing issues with your animation.

You can try the following approach:

const InnerComponent = ({ children, classNames }) => {
    return (
        <div className={classNames}>

export const OuterComponent = () => {
    const sidebarCtx = useContext(SidebarContext);

    const classNames =
        "w-[100px] h-[60px] transition-all duration-1000 bg-purple-900 text-2xl text-white " +
        (sidebarCtx.isOpen ? " w-[400px] " : "");

    return (
        <div className={style}>
            <InnerComponent classNames={classNames} />

Answer №2

By utilizing CSS, you have the ability to easily assign transitions to the container element and then simply hide the overflow of said element. I believe this approach will be successful.

Answer №3

Perhaps this could work for you.

let design = `w-[${sidebarCtx.isOpen ? 400 : 100}px] h-[60px] transition-all duration-1000 bg-purple-900 text-2xl text-white`;

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