Is it unwise to conceal the horizontal scrollbar?

My webpage includes a jquery slideshow using the jquery circle plugin, featuring the "shuffle" option.

var slideshow = $('#slider').cycle({
 fx: 'shuffle', shuffle: { top: 0, left: 1300},

When the images move out of the page during transitions, it triggers the horizontal scroll bar to briefly appear, which is quite annoying. Would it be a good solution to simply hide the horizontal scroll bar with CSS?

 overflow-x: hidden;

Are there any potential drawbacks to this approach?

Answer №1

When designing a webpage with a fixed width layout, it is important to consider the issue of horizontal scrolling. While it may not seem like a problem initially, if the page has a width of 1000px or more and a user accesses it with an 800x600 resolution, they will be unable to scroll horizontally.

Additionally, users may intentionally resize their browser window, resulting in the inability to utilize the scrollbar. This creates usability issues for both desktop and mobile users that must be taken into account during the design process.

Answer №2

The impact may vary based on the content of your page, but in general, it should not be a major concern.

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