Apply the `text-overflow: ellipsis` property to truncate the text of two items within a flex column, which is contained within

I am attempting to accomplish the following:

Successfully implementing ellipsis for a single item is achieved with:

white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;

However, my challenge lies in truncating two items.

One should appear below the other.

The problem arises when the text is placed inside a div (for flex-direction: column), as the text-overflow: ellipsis no longer functions due to being within a container.

How can I replicate the example image above using CSS?

Answer №1

Since you didn't provide a code, I created an example to demonstrate how it should function:

To enable the ellipsis effect, you must constrain the width of your text containers (specifically where you placed the ellipsis) for it to work properly (100% width may also work depending on other styles).

.ellipsis {
    width: 200px;  //Specify a width for the text to be truncated
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    overflow: hidden;

Check out this jsFiddle for a visual demonstration:

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