Elements separated by empty space on a Complex Grid, appearing distant despite the available space

Struggling with creating a complex layout using minimal relative and absolute positioning.

Here's the issue I'm facing:

All my elements are aligned side by side with only one problem: the border image needs to bleed into the row below. How can this be achieved without pushing the elements in the next row down beyond the lower margin of the border image?

Setting the height of the border image results in:

Additional details for clarity:

The structure is such that the border image sits between the main sidebar and CTA top container.

  1. Main Side Image
  2. Main Heading Container
  3. Main Sidebar
  4. Border Image
  5. CTA Top Container
  6. CTA Button Relative

In conclusion:

I have some possible solutions, like floating the border image as a div on the right (or using Susy's last) and setting a background image with 60% width positioned on the left of the div or placing an absolute positioned image inside a relative container to shift it to the left. However, I am concerned about disrupting the flexibility of the layout (it's within a Susy fluid grid).

Any suggestions?

Answer №1

To achieve a better layout, try positioning the border_img to float right instead of left and add some right margin to move it away from the edge. This way, other elements will flow around it seamlessly.

In addition, consider using a grid system with a higher number of columns. If you find yourself frequently dividing columns into fractions, it may be a sign that the current grid is not well-suited for your needs.

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