Switch the navbar background color from see-through to black

On my website, I have set up a navbar navigation that transitions between a transparent background and a black background as the user scrolls down. However, I would like the black background to be present at all times for the navbar. I built the website using a bootstrap template. Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this? Should I look into the code in bootstrap.min.js or bootstrap.min.css, and what specifically should I search for?

Thank you for your help!

Answer №1

To style the navbar, add navbar-dark bg-dark to its classes

Answer №3

To enhance the template, consider removing the jquery file that contains the navbar scroll property. Instead, add a color to the navbar background using CSS. Implement these changes and see if it improves the design! Feel free to check out our starting code for additional guidance.

Answer №4

Assign a class name to the container of your navigation bar and update its background color to black using CSS. OR

<div style="background-color: black"> 
    <!-- NAVBAR -->

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