Animated collapse with margin effect in Material-UI

I have been utilizing the MUI-Collapse component to display collapsible content within a list. I am looking to add vertical spacing between the Collapse components in the list, but I do not want the spacing to remain when the Collapse is collapsed. I am having difficulty finding an elegant solution for this.

Currently, my approach involves setting margin-top on the Collapse component only when it is in its expanded state and applying a transition to that property. However, the transition appears delayed and does not create a smooth animation. Is there a way to include the spacing/margin in the transition animation to achieve a polished effect?

You can view my code sandbox here:

I would appreciate any suggestions or feedback!

Answer №1

After some further investigation, I was able to find a solution - by adding the margin-top directly to the inner wrapper element itself, the issue was resolved.

For example:

"& .MuiCollapse-wrapperInner": {
    marginTop: "20px"

I believe this action forces the collapsing component to incorporate the specified margins in the transition, resulting in a smooth and polished animation effect.

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