Troubleshooting problem with CSS overflow and absolute positioning on Android Browser

Our mobile web app was created using a combination of JQuery Mobile, PhoneGap, and MVC. It is designed to function smoothly on both iOS and Android devices regardless of the browser being used. We have conducted tests on various devices and everything appears to be working well without any problems.

iOS 5 - iPad, iPhone.

Android 4.1.2 - Google Nexus 7, Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.

Android 4.0.3 - Asus Transformer Tab.

However, during testing on the Android Stock browser of the Samsung Galaxy Note 800 with version 4.1.2, we encountered an unusual issue. The elements within a div (referred to as a child div) with the CSS attribute 'overflow:auto' were unresponsive to touch events when scrolling was enabled. It's important to note that the parent div containing this div is positioned absolutely with 'position:absolute'. After researching online, we discovered that the combination of absolute positioning and overflow attributes can sometimes cause issues on the Android browser.

Unfortunately, removing the absolute positioning isn't feasible at the moment as it would require a complete redesign of the layouts, and we are nearing our release deadline. Are there any quick fixes or suggestions that anyone can provide to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

To handle overflow in your design, consider using the properties overflow-x and/or overflow-y.

For example:

overflow-y: scroll; /* enables vertical scrolling */
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; /* adds momentum scrolling on Webkit browsers */

In addition, when dealing with touch devices where scrollbars are hidden, you can utilize :scroll instead of :auto to achieve a similar look without potential bugs.

Answer №2

It's funny how simply adding -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; to your CSS can solve the issue

Answer №3

The challenge with using overflow: auto in the Android browser has been a longstanding issue that dates back to 2009, as documented in this report. Despite being marked obsolete, users continue to encounter problems with it not functioning properly. Given that Chrome is now the standard Android browser, there may be little motivation for further efforts to resolve this issue.

Answer №4

If you're looking to incorporate smooth scrolling functionality into your website, consider using the JavaScript library known as "iScroll". It has been designed to be compatible with most Android devices and is relatively easy to integrate. To get started, simply add the following line of code below your div element:

var scrollDiv = new iScroll('divId');
. For more information and access to the project page, visit:

Answer №5

Have you considered encapsulating the elements within an absolutely positioned container inside a new div and giving it a relative position?

<div class="absolutelyPositionedWrapper">
    <div class="relativelyPositionedItem"></div>


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