Swap the text within the curly braces with the div element containing the specified text

I have an input and a textarea. Using Vue, I am currently setting the textarea's text to match what's in the input field. However, now I want to be able to change the color of specific text by typing something like {#123123}text{/#}. At this point, I don't necessarily need the color change functionality, but I'm wondering how to identify the text between {#} and {/#} and wrap it in a div that changes its color.

I'm unsure where to begin with this task. My initial thought is to create a function that searches for {, then identifies the text following it before locating }. Nevertheless, I am uncertain about the best approach to achieving this.

Answer №1

If you want to achieve this, regex can help you accomplish it. Here's a sample code snippet:

const input = document.querySelector('input');
const textArea = document.querySelector('textArea');

input.oninput = process;

function process() {
  const match = input.value.match(/{(#[^}]+)}([^{]+){\/#}/);
  if (match) {
    const [, color, text] = match;
    textArea.value = text;
    textArea.style.color = color;

<input type="text" value="{#a83232}text{/#}" />

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