Adjust the color of error messages in shiny from red

Currently, I am in the process of developing a Shiny app that includes numerous plots. Whenever I adjust any input parameters, there is a brief moment where the plots do not display before they are rendered, accompanied by a prominently displayed red error message. The appearance of this issue can be observed here.

Fortunately, there are various solutions available to address this problem. One example can be found here. Additionally, Joe Cheng from RStudio covers a potential solution using the req() function in the final ten minutes of his presentation at the Shiny Developer Conference (viewable here). Nevertheless, initial attempts with the latter approach did not completely resolve the issue, and the former method requires additional effort as it involves adding if statements to each plot.

At present, I have come to terms with the occurrence of the error message, as the plot promptly appears thereafter. However, I am interested in changing the color of this message. Would it be possible to modify it to a combination of grey and dark blue for a more subtle effect?

Answer №1

Upon inspecting the element, it is evident that the error class is named shiny-output-error. To modify its color using CSS, refer to the code snippet below:

The CSS code would be as follows:

.shiny-output-error{color: grey;}

This CSS rule can be integrated into a Shiny app by using tags$head(tags$style(..)) in the UI.R file.

Here is a reproducible example:

ui <- fluidPage(
  tags$head(tags$style(".shiny-output-error{color: grey;}")),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$table <- renderRHandsontable({

runApp(shinyApp(ui, server), launch.browser = TRUE)

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