"Addressing the issue of white space between the status bar and header in Cordova

I have tried numerous solutions but I am still unable to remove the white space between the header and status bar, as shown in the attached image.


My current setup involves using Intel XDK version 3987 with Cordova plugin integration.

If anyone can offer assistance on resolving this issue, I would greatly appreciate it!

Here is a snippet of my source code:


Answer №1

It appears that the header elements in your code (data-role="header") have a border-width of 1px, causing the content to shift downward.

Have you considered removing the border from each header element?

Here is an example of how you can do this using CSS:

  border: none !important;

I hope this suggestion resolves your issue.

Answer №2

Finally, after days of perseverance, trial and error, and sleuthing, I uncovered the true culprit.

The issue stemmed from jQuery Mobile framework automatically adding the classes below to the header div with data-role="header":

class="ui-header ui-bar-inherit"

These classes resulted in an unwanted margin between the status bar and the header.

Fortunately, I was able to resolve this problem by dynamically removing these classes using jQuery during runtime execution of the application.

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