Is the primary color modification in Bootstrap failing to take effect?

Currently, I am working on a react app and I have successfully integrated Bootstrap React.

One of the tasks I wanted to accomplish was changing the primary color from the default blue to a different shade. To do this, I navigated to bootstrap/scss/variable.scss

Within the file, I made the necessary change by updating the code to the following:

$blue: #445448 !default;

By changing the value of $primary: $blue !default;, I expected the primary color to reflect the new shade but it still shows as blue.

After trying to troubleshoot the issue, I stopped the server, ran npm start again but unfortunately, the changes were not reflected.

Answer №1

To customize Bootstrap, create a file named custom.scss and include the following:

// Override Bootstrap variables here
// Change the primary Bootstrap color
$primary: #12a2f9;

@import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"

Ensure that you define the variable overrides before importing Bootstrap.

Import this file before main.scss or after importing Bootstrap in either App.js or index.js

If your project structure resembles this:

App.js, include the following:

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";
// Import the custom variables
import "./custom.scss";
// Import the SCSS code
import "./main.scss";

    <App />,

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