Utilizing divisions for specifying CSS attributes

I'm attempting to distinguish the CSS properties of two tables based on which DIV they are contained within. If you take a look at http://jsfiddle.net/jdb1991/tpXKT/, you will notice that the table in "resultA" is utilizing the TD property designated for "resultB".

I am aware that this situation has occurred due to the "cascade" of properties, but why is it happening even though I have utilized the #resultB selector? Is this not considered valid?

Just to keep Stack content:

#resultA table {border-collapse: collapse}
#resultA table th, td {border: 1px solid black}
#resultA table td {background-color: blue}

#resultB table {border-collapse: collapse}
#resultB table th, td {border: 5px solid black}
#resultB table td {background-color: red}

<div id="resultA">

Answer №1

The reason for the issue is because you are defining td separately twice. Essentially, the selector #resultB table th stops there, and when you add the comma to include td, you are essentially defining td as an independent element. To resolve this, you should use:

#resultA table th, #resultA table td
#resultA table th, #resultA table td
to ensure distinct styles for each of them.

Answer №2

In CSS, a comma is used to separate selectors and does not establish any relationship between them. When styling elements with #resultB table th, td after #resultA table th, td, the style for td will be overwritten by the last rule since it is listed later. To prevent this, consider using a more specific selector like:

#resultB table th, #resultB table td {border: 5px solid black}

By specifying the exact path of your rule, you can ensure that it only applies to the intended elements.

Check out this jsFiddle example for clarification.

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