Angular 2: Implementing a Universal CSS Style Sheet

Is there a way to include a universal CSS file in Angular 2 applications? Currently, I have multiple components that share the same button styling, but each component has its own CSS file containing the styles. This setup makes it difficult to make changes.

I came across a suggestion on Stack Overflow to add the following:

import { ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; //insert this line

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None            //include this line

I followed the instructions and added the ViewEncapsulation code to the root component. Then, I moved the CSS styling to the main app CSS file (app.component.css) and removed the styling from individual component files, but unfortunately, it did not work as expected.

Is there an effective way to incorporate a global CSS file in Angular 2? Do I need to make any additional adjustments to the individual components for them to access the global CSS?

Answer №1

To establish your global styles, place them in your src/styles.css file. When you run ng build, this file will be included in styles.bundle.js.

If you wish to incorporate additional style files, modify the configuration in your .angular-cli.json (or angular.json for Angular 6+) file. Within this file, there is an array named styles, initially containing styles.css (or src/styles.css in Angular 6). It also supports including .scss files.

Utilizing SCSS

To utilize SCSS, convert the extension of your src/styles.css file to .scss, and update the entry in the styles array within your .angular-cli.json (or angular.json in 6+) accordingly.

Setting SCSS as the Default in Angular

If you prefer Angular to generate .scss styles files when creating components rather than .css files, follow these steps:

Angular 7

With Angular 7, during app creation using ng new appname, you will be asked to select a stylesheet format. Choose SCSS (source). This eliminates the need to manually configure Angular for SCSS use.

Angular 6

Append the following snippet to the end of your angular.json file (source):

"schematics": {
  "@schematics/angular:component": {
    "styleext": "scss"

Angular 4 and Earlier

In your .angular-cli.json file, locate the section towards the end and update the value of styleExt to scss:

"defaults": {
  "styleExt": "css",
  "component": {}

Answer №2

All you need to do is include the CSS within the main HTML document.

Answer №3

To implement the changes, follow these steps:

  1. Include main.css
  2. Access styles.css in the main directory
  3. Insert the following line: (@import 'main.css';)

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