Enhance the appearance of QTreeView items using a customized display delegate and CSS

In my QTreeView, I have a custom delegate set up for one of the columns to display a colored progress bar. The appearance of the progress bar depends on the content and I used the color information from option.palette to mimic the default delegate behavior.

class ProgressBarDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
    ProgressBarDelegate(QObject *parent = 0) {}
    ~ProgressBarDelegate() {}
    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
        // QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); // default implementation


        // progressbar construction and drawing


Now, I want to highlight a row when hovering over it with the mouse. I added custom CSS to the tree view:


The hover highlighting works fine, but unfortunately, my custom delegate does not take into account the CSS settings:


(The dark blue line represents the selected item, while the light blue line is the CSS hover-highlighted row)

If I enable the default implementation, the CSS setting affects my delegate, but it messes up the visual presentation:


The main question is:

  • Is there a way to access the overridden CSS settings data within the delegate? It seems like option.palette doesn't provide this information.

I tried to read the QTreeView property as suggested here:

qDebug() << treeView()->property("background");

but the console output shows QVariant(Invalid)

I also attempted to look at the Qt source code for the drawControl() and drawPrimitive() methods used in the default delegate implementation, but I couldn't find any references to the CSS overrides, only widget palette connections.

Answer №1

Upon reviewing the source code, it became apparent that accessing CSS data from within the delegate by default is not possible as the CSS parsing and calculations are managed by a private QStyleSheetStyle object that applications do not have direct access to. This object simply adjusts the option.palette fields for use in drawing routines.

Nevertheless, there is a method to compel the delegate to render certain elements with desired settings without having to manually parse the option.palette fields by utilizing the style's drawPrimitive() method:

// rendering background with preferred colors:
option.widget->style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, painter);

This approach will display the background with the appropriate settings:


I suspect that there might be a similar technique to apply the CSS-modified setting, something along the lines of:

option.widget->style()->proxy()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, painter);

However, my lack of comprehension regarding Qt's style framework has hindered my ability to locate it so far.

Answer №2

When implementing the component's visual representation within the paint method, you have the opportunity to incorporate a "hover" effect.

An example of how this can be achieved is shown below:

// check for hover state
QStyleOptionViewItemV4 styleOption(option);
bool mouseOver = (styleOption.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver);
// apply hover effect     
if(mouseOver) {

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