Boxes maintain their height consistency even after a page refresh

I Implemented This Script to Ensure Same Height for Boxes

<script src="">

    var highestBox = 0;
                if($(this).height() > highestBox){  
                highestBox = $(this).height();  


However, I have encountered an issue where the script behaves strangely. Initially, it loads data from the database and then should adjust the box heights accordingly, but this process does not occur as expected. I find that I need to manually refresh the page to see the desired effect. I have placed the script in both the header and footer of the site. Any advice on what may be causing this unexpected behavior? You can view the live version of the website at :)

Answer №1

To avoid conflicts, it's important not to include both a src attribute and actual content within the same script tag.

The best practice is to separate the scripts like shown below:

<script src=""></script>

    var highestBox = 0;
                if($(this).height() > highestBox){  
                highestBox = $(this).height();  


Answer №2

In case you can afford to not cater to IE9, apply the style display: flex to the parent container so that all child elements expand evenly in height.

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