Identifying the precise image dimensions required by the browser

When using the picture tag with srcset, I can specify different image sources based on viewport widths.

However, what I really need is to define image sources based on the actual width of the space the image occupies after the page has been rendered by the browser.

For instance:

  1. Viewport width is 1920px and website uses a container size of 1200px

  2. The container is divided into two columns of 600px each

  3. The second column contains an image set to 100% width, resulting in a width of 600px
  4. The srcset for the image offers options of 400x300px, 800x600px, and 1200x900px
  5. The browser should automatically select the 800x600px image

If it's guaranteed that the image will always occupy the same space, I could use srcset based on viewport width.

Unfortunately, my site's design allows content editors to freely add columns/rows and nest them. Additionally, columns may collapse at some point and become full-width. This makes it impossible for me to predict how much of the viewport width an image will ultimately receive during rendering.

Therefore, I would like the browser to assess the actual pixels the image occupies when presented to the user and choose the appropriate image accordingly.

I have conducted thorough research but haven't found any information on this specific issue.

Is this even feasible?

Or would the only solution involve Javascript?

Answer №1

Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available. There has been a lot of discussion about the concept of "element queries," which are essentially media queries that apply to the size of individual elements rather than the overall window size. However, implementing them seems to be quite complex. There is no established syntax for them yet. An issue often mentioned is the potential circularity problem, where setting different widths based on parent container sizes could create an infinite loop.

.child {
  width: 500px;
.container:min-width(450px) > .child {
  width: 400px;

This would result in constant adjustments to the width of the child element based on the parent's size, leading to performance issues and unpredictable layouts. Several JavaScript libraries like EQCSS, CSS-Element-Queries, and EQJS have attempted to address this challenge. However, creating a custom JavaScript solution might be more suitable in your case. It's worth exploring how these existing libraries tackle the problem.

For more information:

JavaScript Libraries:

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