There was an issue compiling the file static/css/main.b6d8a2cb.css with the Css Minimizer plugin. An error occurred: TypeError - Unable to modify properties of undefined (setting 'value')

PS C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\web technology\NCT\carrental> npm run build

[email protected] build react-scripts build

Attempting to generate an optimized production build... Compilation failed.

The error message "static/css/main.b6d8a2cb.css from Css Minimizer plugin TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'value')" is preventing the React app from being built for production. Despite thorough checks and attempts, the issue persists. It's worth noting that the static/css/main.b6d8a2cb.css file is not a part of my project directory.

Answer №1

Review all custom CSS files (including app.css and index.css) that you have included in your project and check for any missing comments. I recently realized that I forgot to properly comment out certain lines in a custom CSS file I was using.

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