What advantages does using ImageMagick to resize images offer compared to using CSS?

My Ruby on Rails application has a feature that allows users to upload images. I have discovered that Active Storage can utilize ImageMagick to resize images using this code:

model.image.variant(resize: "100X100")

However, resizing images can also be achieved using CSS like so:

<%= image_tag(rails_blob_url("file_name.jpg"), width: '100px', height: '100px') %>

Which method should you choose? Is it better to use ImageMagick or CSS for image resizing?

Answer №1

One major benefit of the first method is the reduced file size of the final output.

By utilizing imagemagick as the resizer, the resulting file will be a true 100x100 image, weighing approximately 100KB. This smaller asset is then sent to the frontend, keeping the overall load lightweight.

In contrast, if you opt to resize the image within the view only, the original, larger asset must first be loaded before being resized in the frontend. This means both the server and client need to handle a larger file, around 1MB in this scenario, which can negatively impact app performance.

Answer №2

While CSS may rely on basic linear interpolation for image resizing, ImageMagick offers a plethora of advanced interpolation filters that can deliver crisper results with fewer artifacts. Explore the various options available at and

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