What techniques can be used to create logos that adapt and transform seamlessly as the screen size varies?

The way Responsive Logos adjust their image width when you resize the browser is truly impressive. It seems like they are using SVG images, but I'm not entirely sure how they are able to make the image change dynamically. Could it be through the CSS code provided at the end of the source?

@media only screen and (min-width: 15em) {
    .logo1, .logo2, .logo3, .logo4, .logo5, .logo6, .logo7, .logo8 {background-position: left -900px;}

@media only screen and (min-width: 28em) {
    .logo1, .logo2, .logo3, .logo4, .logo5, .logo6, .logo7, .logo8 {background-position: left -600px;}

@media only screen and (min-width: 45em){
    .logo1, .logo2, .logo3, .logo4, .logo5, .logo6, .logo7, .logo8 {background-position: left -300px;}

@media only screen and (min-width: 60em){
    .logo1, .logo2, .logo3, .logo4, .logo5, .logo6, .logo7, .logo8 {background-position: left 0px;}

Your assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Utilizing an image sprite as the background for this design adds efficiency and speed to the loading process.

The sprite is comprised of multiple variations of the company logo, strategically positioned within the image. By utilizing the background-position property with values such as 0px, 300px, 600px, or 900px, we can easily select the specific logo variation needed.

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