Border provides spacing within a div using the box-sizing property set to border-box

I am facing an issue where I have a div with the class "outer" containing another div with the class "inner". Upon adding a 2px border to the "outer" div, padding is automatically applied in a way that appears as 1px padding on the top, left, and right sides, with no padding at the bottom. Despite setting padding: 0; for the "outer" div, the padding remains unchanged. Is this perhaps a browser bug? I am currently using Chrome on Windows, but have also tested in IE with similar results. Interestingly, when changing the zoom level in Chrome, the padding values adjust accordingly, and at 125% zoom, the padding disappears completely. You can observe the problem here:

Removing the border from the "outer" div resolves the padding issue.

Despite my attempts to rectify the situation, there is still some yellow appearing in the border, which should not be present. Refer to this image for clarification:

Answer №1

Don't be fooled, there's actually no padding present here. The appearance of space around the content is simply due to the border you recently applied :) Try changing the border color to something different from the background color of the outer element, and you'll notice the distinction more clearly.

Answer №2

On my laptop, Windows is set to a default scaling of 125% in the display settings. This may be why some individuals are unable to see the yellow border I mentioned. By removing the border property and replacing it with outline: red solid 2px;, the problem seems to be resolved. Using outline prevents any issues even when zooming in Chrome. It appears there might be a rendering glitch in Chrome and other browsers when displaying borders at a 125% scale in Windows settings.

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