Activate the saturation toggle when a key is pressed in JavaScript

I am trying to modify a script that currently toggles the value of a variable when a key is pressed and then lifted. Instead of changing the variable value, I would like to adjust the saturation of the screen based on key presses and releases. How can I achieve this transformation? The current script is as follows:

 let x = 1;
window.onkeydown = () => {
let x = 2;

window.onkeyup = () => {
 let x = 1;

To change the screen saturation, use the following CSS: filter: saturate(4);

Just to clarify, I want the screen saturation to shift to saturate(4) when a key is pressed, and return to normal when the key is released instead of altering the variable x from 1 to 2 as it currently does.

Answer №1

When it comes to these functions, the possibilities are endless:

window.onkeydown = () => = "saturate(4)";
window.onkeyup = () => = "";

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