Aligning the .left position to make the border of a <div> synchronized

When working on my Jquery program, I encountered an issue with borders not aligning properly within the container. Specifically, in the execution (where the container is represented by a white box), the left border extends beyond the position().left property of my container and the right border does not extend far enough based on


I am wondering if this problem might be related to the structure of my basic HTML layout:

        <div class ="main">
            <div class = "container></div>

In this setup, the position of 'main' is set to static, while the position of 'container' is set to absolute. Additionally, the entire HTML document has margin: 0; applied. Any suggestions on how I can adjust the left positioning to ensure it aligns correctly with the visual left border?

Answer №1

To tackle this issue, one effective method is to determine the position and dimensions of the .main container and then apply these values to its contents (the .container div). I have crafted a function that handles the retrieval and assignment of these parameters.

For instance, consider the following structure:

  <div class="main">
    <div class="container">

In this setup, assuming that .main has a static position while .container requires absolute positioning, we can leverage jQuery's .offset() method to obtain the coordinates of .main, along with its width and height achieved through .width() and .height(). Subsequently, we use the .css() function to set these exact values for the .container div. All these functionalities are encapsulated within the adaptToFrame() function:

function adaptToFrame() {  
    /*Retrieve the required values*/
    var position_top = $(".main").offset().top;
    var position_left = $(".main").offset().left;  
    var width = $(".main").width();
    var height = $(".main").height(); 

    /*Assign the obtained values*/
    $(".container").css({"position": "absolute", "top": position_top, "left": position_left, "width": width, "height": height });   

// Call the function initially

// Re-evaluate on window resize
$(window).resize(function() {

In addition to the initial call, I have integrated a redundant invocation of the function within the $(window).resize event handler to ensure recalculation and reapplication of values if the browser window is resized. This redundancy accounts for responsive design scenarios where relative units may be utilized instead of absolute ones.

I trust you find this information valuable.

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