Having trouble with the find method when trying to use it with the transform

In my code, I have three div elements with different values of the transform property assigned to them.

I store these elements in a variable using the getElementsByClassName method and then try to find the element where the value of the transform property is 10px by using the find method.

However, I am encountering an issue where the console displays an error stating that the value is 'undefined', indicating that the element cannot be found. What could I be doing wrong?

const elm = document.getElementsByClassName('elm');

const elms = [...elm].find(function (s) {
   const item = getComputedStyle(s).transform;
   return item === 'translateX(10px)';

.elm1 {
   transform: translateX(-20px);

.elm2 {
   transform: translateX(10px);

.elm3 {
   transform: translateX(20px);
<div class="elm elm1"></div>
<div class="elm elm2"></div>
<div class="elm elm3"></div>

Answer №1

Your transformation values will be converted into matrix values

The values correspond to the following functions: matrix( scaleX(), skewY(), skewX(), scaleY(), translateX(), translateY() )

Therefore, it is recommended to verify matrix values as shown below

translateX(-20px) = matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -20, 0)

translateX(10px) = matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 0)

translateX(20px) = matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 20, 0)

const elm = document.getElementsByClassName('elm');

const elms = [...elm].find(function (s) {
   const item = getComputedStyle(s).transform;
   return item === 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 0)';

.elm1 {
   transform: translateX(-20px);

.elm2 {
   transform: translateX(10px);

.elm3 {
   transform: translateX(20px);
<div class="elm elm1"></div>
<div class="elm elm2"></div>
<div class="elm elm3"></div>

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