Giving identification to a pair of elements located within the same column

Struggling with assigning IDs to two elements in a single column - a dropdown and a text element. Managed it in the first scenario, but encountering issues in the second one. Seeking assistance on this matter.

Scenario 1:

        <select name="fmeaEntityForm[0]" id="subSystem0" onchange="getsubSystemFunction(this)">
            <option value="-1">
               <spring:message code="" />
            <c:forEach items="${subSystemList}" var="ss">
                  <option value="${}">${ss.subSystem}</option>
            <option value="0">
                <spring:message code="" /></option>
        <input type="text" name="fmeaEntityForm[0].subSystem.subSystem" id="subSystemText0" placeholder="Enter Sub-system if selected other"/>

In scenario one i can easily access first element by :

and second element by

Scenario 2: Required aligning of both the dropdown and text box, so utilized two classes for parallel alignment. Successfully aligned them, but having trouble accessing both elements.

      <div class="element1">
         <select name="fmeaEntityForm[0]" id="subSystem0" onchange="getsubSystemFunction(this)">
            <option value="-1">
                 <spring:message code="" />
            <c:forEach items="${subSystemList}" var="ss">
                <option value="${}">${ss.subSystem}</option>
            <option value="0">
                <spring:message code="" />
     <div class="element2">
          <input type="text" name="fmeaEntityForm[0].subSystem.subSystem" id="subSystemText0" placeholder="Enter Sub-system if selected other"/>




Answer №1

When working within "scenario 2," make sure to utilize the following code snippets:

will retrieve the select element, while

can be used to access the input element.

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