After resizing, a div with a height of 100% will scroll upwards

I have a single-page website consisting of three sections, each spanning the entire width and height of the window. While resizing the window on the first or last section, everything adjusts smoothly. However, when I am on the second section, things get a bit wonky. Upon resizing the window, the first section shrinks, causing the second section to move up and reveal part of the third section.

My goal is for the second section to stay fixed within the window when resizing, so any fragments of the first and third sections are not visible. It's a bit tricky to explain in words, so here is a simple fiddle showcasing the issue: I'm specifically referring to the behavior of section B (div#two). To add some context, scrolling on the site is disabled, and I aimed for it to resemble a slideshow, hence why every resize messes up the visual presentation.


<div id="one"><a href="#two">A</a></div>
<div id="two"><a href="#three">B</a></div>
<div id="three"><a href="#one">C</a></div>


#one {
#two {
#three {
a {

I've attempted adjusting the size of the last div as a workaround but that caused the third div to disappear completely. Another failed attempt was reloading the entire page upon each resize that changed the height, but that proved ineffective as well since I couldn't achieve a full reload without losing my current location.

Any help is appreciated.

E: Taking the term 'fixed' literally, I used jQuery to prevent the area from moving under certain conditions. While this solution works for now, I would greatly appreciate any hints on how to automate this process or where to seek further guidance.

Answer №1

Recently, I had a similar goal in a project that I was working on. We needed tab buttons at the top of the screen to switch between different page bodies when clicked.

Although your situation may differ slightly from ours, with your focus on disabling scrolling and having one div occupy 100% width & height of the screen, it seems like you only want one div displayed at a time. The code I used for our project could work for you too. Here's how I modified your code to reflect this:


<div class="fill-screen" id="one"><a href="#two">A</a></div>
<div class="fill-screen" id="two"><a href="#three">B</a></div>
<div class="fill-screen" id="three"><a href="#one">C</a></div>


div.fill-screen {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    display: none;

div.fill-screen:target {
    display: block !important;

#one {
    background-color: red;

#two {
    background-color: green;

#three {
    background-color: blue;
    font-weight: 800;    

a {
    color: white; 


$(window).on('hashchange', function() {
    if (document.location.hash === "" || document.location.hash === "#") {
        document.location.hash = "#one";


While JS is required for this solution, it's lightweight and more effective than using jQuery to prevent scrolling issues. The example provided uses jQuery, but achieving this in pure JS is also possible - I just opted for jQuery in my project.

In summary, this solution utilizes the CSS :target selector on the three divs. When a div is 'targeted' by the hash in the URL, the specified CSS is applied to that particular div. By default, all three divs are set to display: none;, making them invisible. However, when any div is targeted in the URL hash, its display attribute is changed to display: block !important;, causing it to fill the page while the others remain hidden.

The JS handles setting the URL hash when none is present, such as when a user first navigates to your page. It triggers the hashchange event on page load, ensuring that if no hash is provided or an incorrect one is attempted to be removed, the default hash ("#one" in this case) is enforced. This maintains consistency and prevents display issues.

If you find that you don't need the JS functionality initially or have specific requirements, adjustments can be made to tailor the behavior accordingly. Feel free to customize as needed.

For further clarification, here's a JSFiddle link:

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