The elements in the list are too large for the designated area on Internet Explorer and Chrome browsers on Mac computers

I am facing an issue with my navigation menu on Internet Explorer and Chrome on MAC. The last element of the list is not fitting into the given width (which is fixed at 1000px). It works fine on Firefox, Opera, and Windows Chrome. I cannot test Safari at the moment.

If it was an IE-only problem, I could create a conditional stylesheet to fix it. However, the fact that Chrome on MAC is also causing issues is concerning. Below are screenshots comparing the working version in Firefox and the broken version in IE:

This is the HTML and CSS code for the navigation menu. I have tried adjusting the font weight, font family, and letter spacing, but nothing seem to solve the issue.

<div id="rn-holder">
    <nav id="rolling-nav">
            <li><a href="" data-clone="Home">Home</a></li>

Here are the styles for the navigation menu:


#rolling-nav {
    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

Can anyone identify what might be causing the problem? I want to ensure the fix works on all major browsers, including Chrome on MAC.

Answer №1

The width of the list item is determined by the font size, as no specific width has been set for it. Adjusting the font-size to 11px in these browsers will reveal the last list item previously hidden.

Answer №2

It seems that the issue may be linked to the floats in your design. Due to differences in font size across systems and browsers, the floated elements appear wider on a specific browser (Mac Chrome). This causes the "About" link/element to wrap onto a second line in your menu due to:

#rolling-nav ul {
    margin:0px 0px;
    padding:0px 0px;
    overflow:hidden; <-- hiding the optional 2nd line of the menu

You can try narrowing your navigation blocks to see if this resolves the problem.

I recommend examining:

#rolling-nav a, #rolling-nav a:before { 
    margin:0px 0px;
    padding:0px 27px;

and consider reducing the left/right padding.

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