Check for compatibility of overflow:scroll with mobile browsers

Is there an easy JavaScript method that works across different devices and libraries?

I am looking to assign a class to the html element in order to enable scrollable containers on mobile devices when needed.

I want to follow a similar approach to Modernizr, where feature support is detected instead of relying on browser detection. However, I prefer not to use the entire Modernizr framework as I am aiming for lightweight JavaScript for a mobile project.

Thank you!

Answer №1

While it may not be perfect, I am utilizing this method to identify the presence of -webkit-overflow-scrolling.

var overflowScrolling = typeof($("body")[0].style["-webkit-overflow-scrolling"]) !== "undefined";

Subsequently, I check for absence of overflow-scrolling on mobile devices before loading iScroll.

This ensures that devices capable of supporting overflow: scroll, but lacking support for -webkit-overflow-scrolling, will still utilize iScroll, providing native scrolling functionality to iOS 5 and newer versions of Android.

Answer №2

Check out this unique solution that covers all potential options, including non-vendor prefixed properties and is not reliant on libraries such as jQuery or Modernizr:

function checkOverflowScrollingSupport() {
    var prefixes = ['webkit', 'moz', 'o', 'ms'];
    var testElement = document.createElement('div');
    var bodyTag = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
    var hasSupport = false;


    for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
        var prefix = prefixes[i];[prefix + 'OverflowScrolling'] = 'touch';

    // Including the non-prefixed property = 'touch';

    // Checking the properties now
    var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(testElement);

    // First the non-prefixed one
    hasSupport = !!computedStyle.overflowScrolling;

    // Now onto the prefixed ones...
    for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
        var prefix = prefixes[i];
        if (!!computedStyle[prefix + 'OverflowScrolling']) {
            hasSupport = true;

    // Cleaning up old div elements

    return hasSupport;


Answer №3

Here lies a perplexing inquiry. Alas, at present there appears to be no foolproof method for verifying overflow: scroll compatibility.

The Filament group offers a workaround for this dilemma which could prove beneficial in your endeavors (refer to ). Nonetheless, they themselves acknowledge:

The challenge lies in the difficulty – arguably the impossibility – of confirming overflow support...

Out of necessity, Overthrow delves into the user agent string to greenlight current and future iterations of mobile platforms recognized for possessing native overflow support; however, not before exploring more trustworthy and impartial methodologies: notably, iOS5's (and now Chrome Android's as well!) touch scrolling CSS attribute, alongside a comprehensive desktop browser deduction assessment (absence of touch event support on screens exceeding 1200px width).

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