What is the most efficient method for updating URLs in CSS files before the website goes live?

The project I am currently working on has been worked on by various coders with different backgrounds. One of my recent achievements was writing a clean Capistrano recipe to minimize CSS and JS files. Now, the challenge ahead is figuring out how to identify and rewrite various URL patterns scattered throughout our CSS codebase before they are pushed live.


For example:

.test{background:url('/images/test.jpg') no-repeat top left}.pouet{background:url("../../images/bg.png")}

It's important to note that some URLs have quotation marks while others do not. My goal is to transform them into:

.test{background:url('http://www.cdnImages.com/images/test.jpg') no-repeat top left}.pouet{background:url("http://www.cdnImages.com/images/bg.png")}

All instances must be replaced with my CDN URL accurately without room for error.

I have devised a regex pattern that suits my requirements: rubular permalink

Initially, I attempted using the sed command like this:

sed '/url([^\/](.*?)images/http:\/\/www.cdnImages.com' myFile.css

However, it did not yield the desired results.

Further research led me to try this approach:

 find #{current_release}/public/static/css/ -name '*.css' | xargs sed -i 's@url\([^\/](.*?)images|static\/@#{images_cdn}@g'

Although the regular expression seems to capture the correct output (see here), there appears to be an issue somewhere in the implementation.

Any suggestions or ideas? Thank you.

Answer №1

Check out my test scenario

console.log("This is a test case for demonstration purposes");\n \
| sed 's@url[(][^)][^)]*)@url(http://cdn.example.com)@g'

.test{background:url(http://cdn.example.com) no-repeat top left}.example{background:url(http://cdn.example.com)}

Oh, and one more thing to consider

console.log("This is a test case for demonstration purposes");\n \
| sed 's@url[(][^)][^)]*)@url('"'"'http://cdn.example.com'"'"')@g'

.test{background:url('http://cdn.example.com') no-repeat top left}.example{background:url('http://cdn.example.com')}

It's worth noting that in some sed commands, you may need to escape the first '@' sign like this: \@.

I noticed that your example maintains the respective single quotes and double quotes that were originally there. I'm assuming it's acceptable to change them all to single quotes. If not, it adds an extra layer of complexity to the task.

Since you mentioned that this is a critical production deployment with no room for error, thorough testing is essential.

For a deeper understanding of sed usage, analyze what the search pattern @url[(][^)][^)]*)@ is accomplishing.

And for shell scripting proficiency, think about why I made the adjustment to '"'"'http://cdn.example.com'"'"' in the final iteration. ;-)

Unfortunately, I'm running short on time at the moment.

I hope this information proves valuable.

Answer №2

It seems like some people are overcomplicating things, but it's actually quite straightforward. This is something I do regularly without any issue.

data=$(cat <<EOF
.test{background:url('/images/test.jpg') no-repeat top left}.pouet{background:url("../../images/bg.png")}
rule=$(cat <<EOF

echo "$data" | sed "$rule"

Remember to pay attention to the escaping of \' and "$prefix".

Answer №3

After much brainstorming, I have devised the ideal command to suit our requirements:

execute "find #{current_release}/public/static/css/ -name '*.css' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -E 's@(\.\.\/)+(images|static|img)@#{images_cdn}@g'"

Efficient and secure execution!

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