Is it acceptable to conceal items by utilizing display:none?

When dealing with a dynamic website that includes components from various plugins, is it acceptable to hide elements temporarily or permanently using display:none? Sometimes clients may request certain items to be hidden from the page, so instead of removing them from the source code, I opt to use display:none. This way, if the client changes their mind, we can easily enable the element again.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping elements hidden with display:none indefinitely?

Are there any potential drawbacks in terms of SEO, screen readers, accessibility, etc. when utilizing display:none for hiding elements?

Answer №1

In the event that the customer requests removal, it is imperative to first create a backup of the original page before making any changes. A new webpage should then be posted with the requested item truly removed, instead of simply using CSS to hide it. If there is a possibility the customer may want the item back at a later time, keep the backup handy for quick reversion. For situations involving dynamic content like PHP, consider halting specific outputs by using comments to prevent them from appearing in the final response.

Answer №2

Positive: Extremely user-friendly


  • Despite appearing hidden, components are still loaded on the server side and downloaded by the client. The browser presents them as invisible elements.
  • Those who inspect the code using "view source" can uncover any concealed values, so avoid hiding sensitive information in this manner.

You have the option to deactivate these sections on the server side to optimize server processing and conserve bandwidth.

Answer №3

Additionally, it is important to note that certain search engines, such as Google, do consider hidden content when indexing websites.

Concealing extensive text through the use of display:none; is a tactic that can be flagged by search engines as keyword spamming.


Answer №4

Using 'display:none' to hide/show elements is a practical approach when implementing client-side Ajax functionality. This allows for seamless switching between views or tabs without the need for server requests.

It becomes essential to completely remove sensitive information from the page markup in cases where security is a concern. By ensuring that unauthorized users cannot access this information even when viewing the page source, data confidentiality is maintained.

Answer №5

display: none can be a useful tool for hiding content that you only want to appear when CSS is disabled or not supported by certain browsers.

Answer №6

When it comes to accessibility considerations, it's important to keep in mind that content hidden with "display: none;" may not be picked up by a screen-reader. However, if this is intentional and necessary for your design, then it may be acceptable.

An alternative approach to hiding content specifically for screen-readers or when CSS is disabled is to utilize the following CSS class:

.offscreen {
    position: absolute;
    left: -9000px;
    width: 0;
    overflow: hidden;

Then, you can use the following HTML code:

<h3 class="offscreen">Site Navigation</h3>

For more comprehensive information on different ways to hide content, you can refer to:

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